Monday, February 14, 2011

Truly Appreciative: 21/25

Dear John,

From the days of my earliest memories, I can not recall a time where there wasn’t a guitar around. When my brother, sister, and I were little, we would strum Dad’s guitars while he played the chords to our favorite songs. He listened to Stevie Ray Vaughan and Tears for Fears; always pointing out guitar riffs and horn sections that I never would have noticed or cared about without him there.

Because he loved guitars and the blues, I, being his son, wanted nothing to do with either of them. And then I heard your music.

Room for Squares opened my eyes to a world of music, really good music, that I had no idea existed. Your music, as you have said many times, was my gateway to Ray Charles, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, and my father’s beloved Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Your music helped me appreciate the music I had heard throughout my entire life, but never bothered to listen to. Your music helped me pick up the guitar and learn how to play after years of resistance to my father wanting me to learn. And your music has brought me new friends. Thank you.

Through my love of guitars and the blues, my relationship with my father is better than it might have been otherwise. When I am home, we show one another what we learned on the guitar recently. We have gone to see Eric Clapton, Roger Daltrey, Buddy Guy, BB King, and Joe Bonamassa together. Those moments have given us time together that define love.

I hope this finds you and your family well. Thank you for all you have done for me, my friends, my family, and for the music we love.

Truly appreciative,

Brian J. Moles


John Mayer is my favorite musician. I have been listening to his music for almost nine years now. His music helped the world of music I knew go from black and white to color.

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