Friday, February 4, 2011

Truly Appreciative 13/25

Dear Annette, Erin, Katherine, Katie, Jennie, Madeline, and Trey,

Youth group has been one of my favorite things since I was in fourth grade. I got to attend youth group that young because Jeff was in sixth grade and my parents led the events. I never felt out of place because I had always been the young one in the group with Jeff, Michael Shaw, Cathy McLaren, and Chris Moulton. Then, after high school, I didn’t stop attending youth group. I was now the old one in the group with Sarah, Douglas Shaw, Amanda Green, and Ryan Giltner.

But then, I took a few years off. I didn’t have any of my good friends around in youth group and I had to focus more on college. In 2005, I decided that I was going to join you on the mission trip to Michigan. From that moment, I haven’t stopped working with the youth group at Central or at Second, here in Nashville.

From our trip to Michigan to our trip to Triennium in 2007, perfect bookends around my two years leading the Central Presbyterian youth group, I was able to grow as a Christian, a friend, and a leader. The seven of you were at the core of that experience and I am very grateful to each one of you.

Thank you for being willing to listen to someone only a handful of years older than you. Thank you for trusting me. And thank you for calling me out when I needed it (a strong point of the Cen. Pres. youth group). I would not be half the leader I am for my group at Second without the seven of you. And most of all, as we’ve all grown older, thank you for being my friends.

I often find myself comparing my current youth group members to you guys. You set the bar very high and I’m proud of that.

I hope this finds all of you well. I love Nashville and all it has to offer me at this stage in my life. If any of you ever need anything, and I mean anything, you know how to reach me. Thank you, many times over for your friendship; it is greatly appreciated.

Truly appreciative,

Brian J. Moles

This letter says it all. These seven young men and women helped find my passion for youth work. They helped me grow as a person and in my faith. Their friendship means the world to me and I would literally do anything for any one of them.

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