Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Truly Appreciative 10/25

Dear My Stupid Mouth,

This letter is part of a series of letters I’m writing to individuals, groups, and organizations that have had a positive effect on the person I am today. I’m writing one letter each day for 25 days and each note will be posted to my blog at http://bmoles.blogspot.com.

It might not seem like a message board could have an effect on someone’s life, but this message board has had a significant impact on mine.

I don’t remember exactly how I first found My Stupid Mouth, but it was shortly before my first John Mayer concert. For some reason, I wanted to know more about the man whose music I had become very in to. From learning about the very early years of his music to the new songs, there are very few things that I have missed in my 9 years of being a fan. Thank you for that.

Aside from the music, this board has helped change the way I think. I came to the board a young, conservative, and closed-minded teenager. Through countless discussions about politics, religion, music, and probably any other topic one can imagine, I learned to expand the way I see the world. I learned that my viewpoint isn’t right for everyone, even if it is right for me. And most importantly I learned how to respect those different viewpoints. Thank you for that.

I’m sure I’ll receive at least a small amount of flack for writing and posting this, but that’s part of posting on a message board. All of the teasing is worth it when I think about the friends I have made through this board. Even though I have never met any of you, I feel like I know several of you. I communicate with many people who I “met” through this board on a daily basis. Thank you for that friendship.

I hope this message finds all who read it well. Thank you, again, for opening my eyes to new music and a world around me that I did not want to see.

Truly appreciative,

Brian J. Moles

My Stupid Mouth is a message board that was started more than ten years ago to discuss the music of John Mayer. My love for this music brought me to this message board and has now brought me many people that I consider friends. Without music and friends, life would be very sad.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

You might be the dude writing a letter thanking a bunch of people on a message board....but I'm a chick that just got all teary eyed reading a letter written to a bunch of people on a message board. I am proud to call you my friend, B!