This letter is part of a series of letters I’m writing to individuals, groups, and organizations that have had a positive effect on the person I am today. I’m writing one letter each day for 25 days and each note will be posted to my blog at
It might not seem like a message board could have an effect on someone’s life, but this message board has had a significant impact on mine.
I don’t remember exactly how I first found My Stupid Mouth, but it was shortly before my first John Mayer concert. For some reason, I wanted to know more about the man whose music I had become very in to. From learning about the very early years of his music to the new songs, there are very few things that I have missed in my 9 years of being a fan. Thank you for that.
Aside from the music, this board has helped change the way I think. I came to the board a young, conservative, and closed-minded teenager. Through countless discussions about politics, religion, music, and probably any other topic one can imagine, I learned to expand the way I see the world. I learned that my viewpoint isn’t right for everyone, even if it is right for me. And most importantly I learned how to respect those different viewpoints. Thank you for that.
I’m sure I’ll receive at least a small amount of flack for writing and posting this, but that’s part of posting on a message board. All of the teasing is worth it when I think about the friends I have made through this board. Even though I have never met any of you, I feel like I know several of you. I communicate with many people who I “met” through this board on a daily basis. Thank you for that friendship.
I hope this message finds all who read it well. Thank you, again, for opening my eyes to new music and a world around me that I did not want to see.
Truly appreciative,
Brian J. Moles