Monday, August 9, 2010

You down with BRC? Yeah, you know me

The words below are from Bruce Reyes-Chow, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA, in his speech at a Prop 8 Verdict Rally in San Francisco. I might not have chosen such strong words, but the moment we stop being radical is the moment we stop being Christian...

I know that many of my people have influenced this particular journey in non-positive ways. I stand before you also confessing for the Christian church for too many times in our words and actions have created pain and violence. I stand before you confessing for those who have proclaimed a message of Biblical literalism and cultural narrow-mindedness that has oppressed rather than liberated. I stand before you at this time to confess for far too many of us well meaning straight allies who have not spoken out for justice that we need to step out now more than ever.

This is a time of great celebration. This is a time when Christians around the world who will continue to push for justice must come out and stand, stand long and advocate the message of God to those Biblical literalists who have poisoned our understanding of marriage, sexuality and love. We will no long stand and allow the message of hope, compassion, justice and love to be drowned out by the screams of hatred, oppression and injustice. We will no longer stand and see our friends, our family, our congregations members and strangers be denied the same civil rights that so many of us have been granted for a life time.

There is a time that we must each embrace our call to speak out, act out of our place of privilege, risk our power, our authority, our comfort and assure that justice, compassion and love prevail.

This is such a time. This is now.

Thank you and God bless.